Signal/One CX7B
This Signal/One is an early Florida box. This radio originally belonged to T. Frank Smith, Sr., W5VA. After Mr.
Smith passed away in 1972 his widow gave me this radio. It is a cherished
possession from the man who gave me my first job in broadcasting and introduced
me to growing orchids (which I still do). It has had all necessary modifications,
including the "B" series power supply and LED keyer/counter board.
This is as close as you will get to a true "B".
This station includes a Bencher Paddle and an Electro Voice 664
on a 70's vintage Atlas boomerang base.
Click on thumbnails below for larger image.

Signal One CX7 |

Signal One with Alpha 77Dx |
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Signal One Page
Created: January 8, 2005.
June 15, 2013
� Copyright 2005, PakRatz, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA