Signal/One CX7
Another Florida box. This radio is from the
estate of Earle Scott, W6OAU (SK).
It is one of six CX7s I purchased from WB6VHK who was helping with the estate.
Poor little 242. This radio was treated badly. The case has two
dings and there are numerous modules missing. They are the RF Driver,
Keyer/Counter and Audio modules. PTO B and the tube and socket assembly
are also missing. I have all the components to repair this but with other
radios in the group also missing modules I'm not sure when I will attempt
repairs. If I manage to find other spare boards in the future it will be
helpful. I'm not looking forward to the time when we run out of spare
parts and start making otherwise restorable radios organ donors (as this one
obviously was).
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Created: May 10, 2008.
January 12, 2019
Copyright 2017, PakRatz, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA