Signal/One CX7A
S/N 71-219
This Signal/One is one of the California
radios. It has the "B" power supply board. The keyer/counter board
is the nixie tube version. I got this radio in March 2005. It was
acquired with my Alpha 77Sx. As
with many of these radios it had developed a problem with the BFO board.
The 8.8 MHz oscillator is off frequency. 4/20/05 - problem solved.
Bad xtal on the BFO board. Replacing this brought the entire radio back to
proper operation.
Click on thumbnails below for larger image.

Signal One CX7A

After repairs were
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Signal One Page
Created: April 16, 2005.
June 15, 2013
� Copyright 2006, PakRatz, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA