Signal/One CX7
S/N Unknown
I received this email February 14, 2018
This radio is new to the Registry. It does have a number of "non-standard" mods but they are nicely done.
Very nice amateur radio station.
Hi dear Fred
My compliments to your really Amazing site upon Signal One creatures !
I'm proud owner of a CX7 , still "on air" 100% . The doesn't report serial number label , is little modified with remote of broad band tune , RIT mod , AFSK front input etc etc . Other inside mod on PS board regulator and audio amp. Complete with narrow and super narrow cw filter ! Received from IK2EMY (now SK) in 2000 , is still "ON AIR" and really compete with the best radios of my shack !
I send u a couple of pictures of the "boy".
Best regards and 73 from
IZ2CPP - Corrado Paroni
Click on thumbnails below for larger image

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Created: February 14, 2018.
February 14, 2018
Copyright 2018, PakRatz, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA