In all my conversations and emails I have yet to find a single person who has anything good to say about the final days of Signal One.  Here is an email from K5LQL (SK)

Hello Fred,
I stumbled across your webbie by accident tonight, looking for information on the 1030 and 1030C.  I own both, or at least did own both until I let Don Rohers borrow the 1030C for a project, and he never returned it. 
The 1030 that remains here at my  QTH is in daily use on the AF MARS nets each morning.  I like both radios, and was especially fond of the    1030C.  According to the agreement made with Rohers, he was to have finished the updates on it for me, in return for his use of that radio for a project involving a linear amplifier operating in a class D or some such mode.  I even flew out to Phoenix and confronted  him at his home in the foothills North of Scottsdale.  He never made good on his promise, and I lost a good radio. 
Too much time went by and the statute of limitations kicked in.  Part of this delay was due to his disappearance from Phoenix, allegedly to take care of his dad back in New Jersey, who died after a long illness.  I think it was to hide from others who had been swindled by the guy. 
He had a bad history with ARRL, who had a 1030 at W1AW, and had to take him to task to get him to honor his promises to them. 
Do you have any information on him?  I wish we had a blog to compare notes from others who may have been burned by him. 
 Weldon B. Drennan, Jr.  K5LQL (Weldon is now a Silent Key)


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Created: June 15, 2013. Last Updated: June 15, 2013
© Copyright 2011, PakRatz, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA